Guizhou Travel Tips and FAQs

Wondering about a China tour to visit Guizhou? Check out this article and these handy travel tips to get your curiosity and confusion moving.

1. What Is the Best Time to Travel to Guizhou?

Guizhou is located in a subtropical zone so any time is a good time to visit Guizhou. Winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. The average temperature is 14 to 18 degrees Celsius. In January, the coldest month, the temperature averages 5 to -18 degrees Celsius. The hottest month, July, the average temperature is 24 to 28 degrees Celsius. The best time to visit Guizhou is during the ethnic minority group's major festivals. The biggest festivities are held during the Spring Festival.

2. What Should I Take Along with While Traveling to Guizhou?

It is recommended that you bring comfortable shoes. You will undoubtedly be doing a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are a must. Sunscreen is recommended, as well as carrying bottled water with you. Since it rains all year, it is recommended that you carry an umbrella with you. If you are a photography lover, do not forget your camera, film and plenty of batteries, or you will never forgive yourself.

3. What Kind of Vehicles Are Available for Getting Around in Guizhou?

In Guizhou, there are many options for getting around, such as taxis, buses, minibusses, and of course private drivers. There are also cars and bikes for rent.

4. What Are Accommodations Like?

There are many star-rated hotels in the major cities of Guiyang and Kaili. Other areas, being underdeveloped only offer simple hotels and guest houses. Although they lack many of the amenities found in star-rated hotels, the guesthouses are family-run and quite clean.

Local Farmhouses in GuizhouLocal Farmhouses in Guizhou

5. What Cuisine Options Are There in Guizhou?

Are there other options besides only local cuisine? The cuisine available in Guizhou is quite diverse. Because of the large ethnic minority population in Guizhou, the local food has an almost endless variety, and is far more delicious than anything you can find in a "Chinese" restaurant in the west. We highly suggest you try the foods. We are fairly certain you will love it. The capital of Guiyang has McDonald's and KFC for those who would like a break from Chinese food.

6. What Are the Currency and the ATM System in Guizhou Like?

Foreign currencies cannot be used directly in Guizhou, but you can exchange your money at the many Bank of China outlets throughout the province. Most major hotels in Guiyang will accept major credit cards. Your hotels also can change money for you and ATMs are easy to find.

7. Will There Be Problems with the Language Barrier?

Visitors to Guizhou do not need to worry about the language barrier. Each visitor will have an English-speaking tour guide, and most of the staff in the star-rated hotels can speak English.

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