Things to Do in Huangshan

Huangshan City in Anhui Province is in a mountainous area that is full of wonderful scenery, and distinctive local features. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, Huangshan City has lots of must-see sites that have drawn visitors and inspired artists for thousands of years.

Capture the Huangshan Mountain Scenic Spot

There is a popular ancient Chinese saying "There is no reason to visit any other mountain after seeing Huangshan Mountain". Huangshan Mountain Scenic Spot is a marvelous mountainous area that has been added to UNESCO's World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. What most amazes visitors are the four distinctive features of Huangshan Mountain: bizarre rock formations, waterfalls, ancient twisted pine trees, and a sea of clouds.

The Pine Greeting Guest in HuangshanThe Pine Greeting Guest in Huangshan

In the winter when the mountain is covered in a blanket of snow, the mountain takes on a whole new look and has become one of the most popular seasons for visitors to come to Huangshan Mountain. On Huangshan Mountain, there are many famous scenic spots: the Hot-spring, Cloud Valley Scenic Spot, Pine Valley Scenic Spot, North Sea Scenic Spot, and Jade Screen Scenic Spot, just to name a few.

Stroll Around Xidi & Hongcun Ancient Village

Xidi and Hongcun Villages in the Huangshan Mountain area are two very famous destinations. They have both been listed as World Cultural Heritage sites by UNESCO, and they are also on the list of China's top 10 most charming villages. They are perfect places for visitors to see traditional architecture, giving visitors a rare opportunity to explore China's ancient culture and arts.

Xidi Village is often called a fairyland. It is embraced by mountains and clear streams, making it a picturesque place that has attracted visiting architects, sculptors, industrial artists, and painters in recent years for inspiration. Xidi Village is like a large open-air museum that allows visitors to see what China was like during the last Imperial Dynasties.

Xidi VillageXidi Village

Hongcun Village has been called a living Chinese painting. In the early morning, mists, gray tiles, white walls, stone bridges, water lily ponds, with mountains in the background truly do seem like an ancient painting. Xidi and Hongcun Villages are wonderful villages worth visiting after visiting the majestic grandeur of Huangshan Mountain.

Hongcun VillageHongcun Village

Walk Along Tunxi Ancient Street

Tunxi Ancient Street is like a simple and unadorned artist's gallery. This street is lined with antique shops, medicine shops, teahouses, restaurants, and galleries, among them, most of the shops are selling unique tourist commodities at low prices, such as the "Four Treasures of the Study": the paintbrush, ink, inkstone, and paper, especially for Chinese paintings, as well as the other Chinese curios and handicrafts.

Tunxi Ancient StreetTunxi Ancient Street

Most of these buildings in Tunxi Ancient Street are built in the traditional Hui ethnic minority group style, and most of the residential houses there are decorated with gray tiles, exquisite wood carvings, white walls, and horse-head double eaves on the roofs. Particularly beautiful at night which forms a very festive atmosphere, Tunxi Ancient Street is also a perfect market for victors to taste the most typical and delicious Hui cuisine and snacks, making it a paradise before or after tourists' hiking of Huangshan.

Visit Tangyue Village & Tangyue Memorial Archways

In Tangyue village which is 6.5 kilometers away from Shexian County, there are many historic sites, such as "Qingzi Temple" (Female Temple) and the "Branch Temple of Bao's" (Male Temple) which open a gap for scholars to study patriarchal systems and the history of merchants in Huizhou, as they have the Ancient-styled man-made scenery and status, as well as modern methods of sound, light and electricity system.

Tangyue Memorial ArchwaysTangyue Memorial Archways

However, the most distinctive features of Tangyue are the 7 memorial archways that wind their way into a group, simple and elegant. Erected in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911), those memorial archways are a product of the feudal society, and orderly, they represent loyalty, filial piety, moral integrity, and justice in accordance with the traditional Chinese ethic. As a group, these 7 archways record and bear the characteristics of the time and culture of the Anhui people, making it a must-see site in Huangshan for tourists from home and abroad.

Sample Huangshan Cuisine and Maofeng Tea

Huangshan Cuisine, namely Hui Cuisine, is one of the Eight Major Cuisines of China with more than a hundred year's history. Huangshan Cuisine is strict about choosing materials and making sure of freshness and tenderness. It features an elaborate choice of ingredients and various cooking styles. Slightly spicy and normally salty, Huangshan Cuisine enjoys great popularity not only among the local people there but also among the tourists who come to visit Huangshan. And what is indispensable to the daily life of Huangshan locals is tea.

Huangshan CuisineHuangshan Cuisine

It is well-known that Huangshan is the hometown of tea in China, and the most famous one should be Maofeng Tea. Tastes clean and refreshing, and lasts a long time on the tongue, drinking Maofeng Tea has become a must-to-do for the victors in Huangshan, and this kind of tea also become one of the most popular specialties that visitors would like to take for their friends and relatives.

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