Guide to Jiankou Great Wall: Information and Tips

China is home to many sections of the Great Wall, among which the Jiankou Great Wall is off-the-beaten but stunning for its steep, rugged terrain and magnificent views. It's an increasingly hot destination for surefooted hikers and adventurers looking for a wilder and rarely restored image of the wall. Here we write a brief tour guide to the Jiankou Great Wall for you. Just go on a remarkable China tour to this brilliant feat of engineering.

Map of Jiankou Great WallMap of Jiankou Great Wall

Chinese: 箭扣 jiànkòu/'arrow nock'

Overview: The JianKou Great Wall is one of the most thrill-filled sections of the wild Great Wall. It was rebuilt as a fortification against the northern nomadic enemy in 1370 during the Ming Dynasty. JianKou Great Wall is attracting more and more tourists to climb up due to its adventure and surrounding natural grandeur.

Location: at Xizhaizi Village, 30 km from downtown Huairou County, and about 70 km northeast of Beijing, and 10 km east of the Mutianyu Great Wall.

Total length: 20 kilometers with 28 watchtowers

Time of visit: 5 - 6 hours (single way)

Way of Visit: Hike up

Main Attractions: Ox Horn Edge, Zhengbei Tower, Sky Stair, The Eagle Flies Facing Upward, Beijing Knot, and Nine-Eye Tower

Opening Hours: 7:30 a.m.-16:00 p.m.; not officially open to the public; a visit should be guided by a professional tour group.

Entrance Ticket Price for Jiankou: Free

In a mountainous area, the optimal parking spots are Xizhazi Village or Shuntong Rainbow Trout Fishing Base. Driving or taking a bus is one of the few options to get there.

By Private Car

This is a flexible and fast choice, which we highly recommend. It usually takes you around 2.5 to 3 hours to drive from Beijing to Jiankou.

If you get confused about route planning or really don't feel up to traveling alone, our China Odyessy Tours will help you with a well-inclusive car and accommodation organization during your whole journey between Beijing and the Jiankou Great Wall.

By Bus

Bus LineDeparture StationGet-off StationRunning TimeTotal Time
No.916/No.936Dongzhimen StationHuairou North Avenue/Yangjiayuan5:50 - 19:503.5 Hours
H35/H23Huairou North Avenue/YangjiayuanHuairou Bus Station4:50 - 18:30

Steep Jiankou Great WallSteep Jiankou Great Wall

Ox Horn Edge

The Ox Horn Edge is a segment of the wall resembling the shape of ox horns. The Ox Horn extends from the hillside, setting up a tower at the top, turning a sharp descent to another hillside, and striking a sudden ascend again. The twisting wall follows the natural contours of the steep, precipitous ridges, giving it a dramatic and picturesque look.

Beijing Knot

Beijing Knot is located in the most northwest part of Jiankou, about 4 kilometers from Nine-Eye Tower. It is a marvelous lookout that connects three important sections of the Great Wall: Jiankou, Mutianyu, and Huanghuacheng. Beijing Knot was built on the steep slopes. Every sight of this feat will amaze climbers with the craftsmanship and courage of the former constructors.

Nine-Eye Tower

Nine-Eye Tower is built at the Peak of Flame Mountain at the junction of Huairou County and Yanqing County. It is named for the nine lookout windows on each side of the tower. The tower has preserved the remains of a cooking bench, a horse stable, and army barracks. The tower itself is a majestic sight to behold. 1141 meters above sea level, you can capture the skyline of Beijing on a clear day. The surrounding luxuriant mountains and rosy clouds in the distance are also breathtaking views to take photos of.

The Jiankou Great Wall has a total length of 20 km from Ox Horn Edge Wall to the Nine-Eye Tower, connecting Mutianyu Great Wall to the east and Huanghuacheng to the west. Here are two popular hiking routes in Jiankou as below.

Route #1: Sorth to Mutianyu

Jiankou Great Wall Hiking Route #1: From Zhengbeilou to MutianyuJiankou Great Wall Hiking Route #1: From Zhengbeilou to Mutianyu

Recommendation Rate: 5 Stars

Time Required: About 5 hours

Area: Xizhazi Village - Zhengbei Tower - Mutianyu

Start the south route at Xizhazi Village, where you can experience local cheerful agritainment. Explore Zhengbei Tower at an elevation of 990m. Then climb up from No.1 East Tower to a must-see attraction, Ox Horn Edge, where you would trek down along a very steep path but enjoy the awe-inspiring view of the Great Wall winding around mountains. Continue down to path and finally arrive at the Mutianyu section.

Route #2: North to Nine-Eyed Tower

Jiankou Great Wall Hiking Route #2: From Zhengbeilou to Nine-Eyed TowerJiankou Great Wall Hiking Route #2: From Zhengbeilou to Nine-Eyed Tower

Recommendation Rate: 4 Stars

Time Required: About 6 hours

Area: Xizhazi Village - Sky Ladder - Beijing Knot - Nine-Eyed Tower

Also, start at Xizhazi Village. This leads you to the Sky Ladder lofty up and up, which sees the first part of the challenge. After completing Sky Ladder, Eagle Flies Facing Upward is a must to marvel at, but it may take you great efforts to wade through. Then climb up to Beijing Knot, the junction of three sections of the Great Wall. From here, you can hike up to explore the Nine-Eye Tower at 1141 meters and then turn back to Beijing Knot. If you want to hike more, you can go straight from Bejing Knot to Huanghuacheng.

Off-the-Beaten Adventure Heaven

Unlike other famous sections, Jiankou is less popular among travelers. All the paths may be visited by a few small groups and individuals. So you can enjoy a delightful and smooth hiking experience due to its scarce popularity.

Original Appearance under Unrepair

What the Jiankou Great Wall looks like now is its original appearance. It has been in a general state of disrepair since the Qing Dynasty in 1644 and is now covered with wild plants. A pile of debris is a fascinating sight to contemplate, providing insight into the wall's ancient past.

Wildness with Beauty

Jiankou was constructed on a steep mountain. The section features rugged terrain and almost vertical cliffs. It is an adventure to hike up the narrow and shockingly steep path. However, every challenger would be rewarded with the breathtaking natural splendor of the surrounding valleys and mountains.

  • Jiankou had fallen into disrepair. It is totally wild, and there are no clear road signs on the wall. If you plan to climb, make sure you're not alone and are accompanied by a professional local guide.
  • The scenic area is covered by luxuriant vegetation. Be mindful of the path to avoid getting lost.
  • Prepare enough water and snacks because there are hardly any facilities along the route.
  • The trails are overgrown with barbed bushes, so it's advisable to put on a wear-proof climbing shoe, long-sleeved skirts, and trousers.
  • There is an almost perpendicular section when hiking down the wall. Be mindful of loose rocks.

Plan Your Trip to the Great Wall

Visiting Jiankou Great Wall could be a challenging attempt in need of a good level of fitness and courage, but it is also a unique opportunity to see the Great Wall in its original state away from the crowds and commercialization.

The tour profession is required if going hiking. You can travel with China Odyessy Tours. Our experienced team will customize an itinerary for you and guide you on a secure itinerary according to your level of physical condition. Make sure to enjoy the must-see highlights. If you're after more guides, feel free to contact us at

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