Our job allows us to take many foreign friends on tours through China. During their tours, they ask many similar questions. We have dedicated this part of our website to answer these questions. Many people are interested in Chinese culture, art, or history, but find it too big, and too confusing. We hope that these pages will help you understand our culture and heritage. We are very proud of our culture, and want to help share it with the world.
- Great WallThe Great Wall of China was selected as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World in a global poll announced on July 7, 2007. It is the largest man-made project ever to have been built.
- Panda BearGiant panda, regarded as China's "National Treasure", is on the verge of extinction. The panda is so cute that everyone falls in love with them. Travel with China Odyssey Tours and we will let you get extremely close to them!
- AcrobaticsChinese acrobatics is among the best in the world, and Shanghai is the best place to see it. The Shanghai acrobatic show is exceptional, and features a group of some of the best acrobats from Eastern-Asia.
- Peking OperaAs the most prestigious of all the operas in China, Peking Opera is venerated as the "Opera of China". Some Roles feature Chinese martial utilizing different traditional weapons.
- Chinese KungfuWushu(Kungfu) is China's traditional martial arts. It focuses on self-defense rather than actual fighting. It is an exciting and somewhat mystical sport that is still practised in Henan's Shaolin Temple.
- Chinese CuisineChinese culture and tradition places a great deal of emphasis on food. Far beyond simply fulfilling a need, eating is considered to be a focal point of each day. Here, we will take you on a culinary journey around China!
- Chinese ArchitectureIn the world architecture system, the Chinese architecture is an independent evolutive system, which had formed its styles at least more than 3,000 years ago. It is too much and as weird as its history to introduce one.
- Naxi Culture & DressThe Naxi ethnic group has a population of over 250,000 people. It is divided into two dialect groups. An eastern one and a western one located in Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet provinces.
- The Softness of SilkSuzhou Silk can be made into innumerable products. It is most commonly made into clothing or scarves, but Suzhou silk can also be made into shoes, napkin, toys, and even kites.